Importer reported generic error xml plural eye
Importer reported generic error xml plural eye

importer reported generic error xml plural eye

I just assumed that Google felt the app was complete and didn't need to put more effort on it. There hadn't been significant changes to Gmail in years. Nervous that they'll change something that's important to me. Excited that there was active effort being put to improve an app I used every day. So when Gmail launched a design refresh in 2018, I was both excited and nervous. It's been like this all day long for more than the last decade.

importer reported generic error xml plural eye

or just skip to the bottom and signup for updatesįor me this means multiple accounts, across multiple domains, accessed from my laptop and my phone.

  • Include response headers that facilitate caching.
  • Use token based authentication, transported over OAuth2 where delegation is needed.
  • importer reported generic error xml plural eye

  • Provide useful response headers for rate limiting.
  • Provide a way to override the HTTP method.
  • Provide a way to autoload related resource representations.

  • Consider using JSON for POST, PUT and PATCH request bodies.
  • Don't use response envelopes by default.
  • Pretty print by default & ensure gzip is supported.
  • You should use camelCase with JSON, but snake_case is 20% easier to read.
  • Use JSON where possible, XML only if you have to.
  • Return something useful from POST, PATCH & PUT requests.
  • Provide a way to limit which fields are returned from the API.
  • Use query parameters for advanced filtering, sorting & searching.
  • An API is only as good as its documentation - so have great documentation.
  • An API is a user interface for a developer - so put some effort into making it pleasant.
  • Heavily informing the part of Starfighter's game that exposes an API. Really enjoyed this article on REST API design.

    Importer reported generic error xml plural eye