Set the background for zone 1 to the values shown in the picture.
Each zone can have independent backgrounds. Click on the Backgrounds button, and you'll notice one tab with the label Zone 1.
Next thing we need to do is set the Background used in the zone. Keep that in mind when creating new zones. He can reach up to 10 blocks above the zone edge while still interacting with tiles. If Mario falls 2-4 blocks (depending on zoom mode) below the zone border, he dies. The left/right edges mark the end of the level and restrict Mario from walking any further. Zone edges are natural borders in a level. The maximum zone size is not covered here, see #Zones (Limitations) for more information. A zone must be at least as big as the currently selected zoom mode would require it to be. Please note that zones have a minimum and maximum size. Levels where the camera can only move along one axis are used often by Nintendo, as well as static one-room zones.Ĭamera movement can be restricted vertically/horizontally by unticking X Tracking and/or Y Tracking, or by making the zone as high as the currently selected zoom mode (horizontal level), or as wide as the current zoom mode for a vertical level. A level is perceived differently by a player, depending on whether the camera is allowed to move up/down or whether the game is zoomed in/out. Quick Info (Zone Size, Camera and Zoom): The size of the zone and the (camera) zoom mode are essential parameters when creating levels. Also, zones should be far enough apart from each other (16 blocks or 256px as a rule of thumb). Make sure that the value for X/Y Position is equal or greater than 256px. Quick Info (Zone Position in Area): Every zone should be 16 blocks away from the canvas/area border. You should be presented with your first zone, which is 2000px long and 350px tall.
Set the Zone Theme to Desert and the music to Desert - ID 110 as well.įinally, set the Spotlight to Layer 0 Spotlight (small). Make sure that X Tracking and Y Tracking are activated, then select Zoom Level: 1. But we'll increase the width/length of our test zone by putting 2000 into the X Size field and we'll also increase the height a bit. We won't discuss all the zone settings yet, since this is a very basic tutorial. Press the Zone Settings button and click on New.
Every level needs a Zone, so we'll add one to our level now. Here you can set the Timer for the level. There's also another tab called Settings, click on it. Quick Info (Pa3): The Pa3 tileset is normally used for special tiles, for example rails, but any other tileset suitable for the Pa3 slot can also be used. Finally, go to the Interactive Suite and select Pa3_rail (Fences and 30-Red-Ring Barrier). For the Background Suite select Pa2_gake (Sandstone ). Now go to the Stage Suite and select Pa1_dessert (Desert ). Quick Info (Pa0): The Pa0 tileset always includes the most basic building blocks, for example invisible blocks, coins, pipes, and bricks. For the Standard Suite, Pa0_jyotyu (Standard) should already be selected. Please note the four different Tileset Suite tabs that can be selected vertically, and a list of available tilesets for that slot (Pa0 - Pa3). The window that opens shows the tilesets used in that area. We'll now add more tilesets to the level. Please note that the other three tileset slots are currently empty. You can see the tileset in the Palette window. The tileset for the first tileset slot (Pa0) will also be set to Pa0_jyotyu.arc automatically. You should now see the empty canvas in area 1. Every level needs at least one Area, which will be created automatically. Open Reggie and click File, New Level (or Ctrl+N). #Camera controls reggie level editor Patch
Open Reggie, then make sure that you've selected the Newer game patch under File, Change Game.Most of the sub-elements have their own page, see: Areas & Area Settings, Zones & Zone Settings, Tiles and Tilesets, Layers, Sprites, Enemies, specific sprites, Locations, Entrances, Paths. The tutorial will sum up information from different fields. We will go through the most important steps, while also learning some advanced features along the way. The tutorial and level we will create is for beginners. 1.1 Prerequisites (Area and Zone Settings).